Traveling Vegan: New Book Has Everything You Need to Know

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Are you traveling vegan and wondering where to eat? What to eat? How to order? It’s easier than ever, with plant-based options sprouting up around the world.

But a new book, The Essential Vegan Travel Guide by Caitlin Galer-Unti promises to make it even easier with all the info you need for a successful vegan voyage.

In Galer-Unti’s words: “No matter what anyone on the Internet says, vegan travelers do not need to starve, insult local cultures, or have to survive eating beans out of cans. You can travel and eat delicious, healthy meat-free food, in any country, and I’m going to show you how in this guidebook.”

The thoroughly researched tome addresses common objections about vegan travel, including any worries over facing potential starvation from lack of edible options. Galer-Unti guides you through so you can feel uber-prepared for your trip to anywhere.

As far as travel strategies, it includes super-specific directions on how to do research, how to meet new vegan friends, how to find places to stay, how to pack, how to travel with non-vegans, how to order at a non-vegan eatery, how to travel with your dog — and basically any other issues you might run across while jetsetting.

The author even outlines the different kinds of global cuisines and what specific choices are usually vegan. And, should you get stuck in a food desert, she offers easy hotel room recipes that can be whipped up anytime, anywhere. Microwaved baked potato, anyone?

You can order your copy here. Pair the book with a smartphone and some planning, and you’ll be making your way across the world in no time.

UPDATE: 2018 edition available here in ebook or paperback.

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